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Project by IAIA


"Expressing fears and feeling, that we can no longer talk about, through weird and disturbing non-human beings" 

Black and white is my favorite combination.
Contrasts, games of solids and voids, essential structures that leave space.
I often create surreal human figures, without a face or with missing body parts, chimeras, fusions of bodies with other objects, "human NOT human" beings.
I like to imagine them like this, inhumane, because they do not exist, they cannot exist, but at the same time they manage to communicate, to act as a mirror, to become a symbol of something we have inside but we are no longer able to define and communicate.



- First Drop HumanNOTbeing collection  COMPLETE

- Create a community of HNBs  IN PROGRESS

- Website, Social media, Merch shop  (50%)  

- Discord  IN PROGRESS


- Second drop of HNB "Face-Hole"  IN PROGRESS

- Merch and real panintings giveaway to the HNB NFT holders

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